No Significant Change in Spectacle Prescription. During the course of the comprehensive eye exam you were shown the same size letters before and after the change in prescription using your current glasses vs. the new lens power in the machine. Did it look better? Your doctor should demonstrate the difference, and barring an instance where you have been wearing a prescription that is too strong for distance vision you should be able to decide if the vision is indeed better with the new lenses.
You don’t wear any now and glasses wouldn’t help. Most commonly if someone’s vision is off, glasses will help, but for several people the impact is not significant. At 4Sight iCare you will experience your best corrected visual acuity. This means the best vision you can achieve. If you can’t achieve normal we will look for medical reasons why not. If you can achieve normal but not better, it is likely that you have higher order aberrations that cannot be corrected in glasses — we can demonstrate this with wave-front analysis technology. Perhaps you want a task lens to do something specific: drive at night, hit a fastball, use a computer or tablet. If you can be improved at a task that is important to you, you should do it, but if that task isn’t important to you – then don’t get glasses. Ultimately, if you don’t notice an improvement and your best corrected visual acuity versus uncorrected vision or the doctor doesn’t articulate that their is a task lens that you may be interested in, then DON’T BUY GLASSES!
Testing shows that your vision difficulties aren’t the result of poor acuity, but rather poor: convergence; attention, focusing change, depth perception; hand-eye, foot-eye or eye-to-eye coordination; contrast sensitivity; tracking; visual processing speed… If your visual skills and/or ocular nutrition can improve your vision without glasses, this would be identified at a Sports Vision Assessment. These skills are honed with Sports Vision Training one on one with our sports vision doctor at 4Sight iCare. Assessments can be done for a team at a convenient location by the very same doctor. We have been doing FREE Sports Vision Assessments locally for several months; call today to get on our schedule for a FREE SVA for your team: 815-915-4047.
You’re a good candidate for Vision Shaping Retainers that enable you to go without glasses, contacts, or surgery and see 20/20 or better! During your exam you may have findings for new glasses, but be informed that the latest technology available at 4Sight iCare enables you to have clear, sharp vision without correction. Vision Shaping, also known as Orthokeratology or Corneal Molding, is a treatment that enables good candidates to see all day without correction. The treatment is safe down to age 8, adaptable for changes in prescription, completely reversible, benefits individuals with increasing myopia by slowing the progression, and requires no surgery at all. This is the ideal form of correction for anyone who doesn’t like wearing contact lenses at work or play; construction worker, swimmer/scuba diver, or student athlete.