Prescribed Vision Training

Vision Training Clients enroll in our programs because a deficiency is diagnosed at a Comprehensive Eye Exam or the client’s visual skills are not where they want them to be on the continuum of Visual Performance.

Visual Skills exist on a continuum that range from deficient to excelling well beyond NORMAL where NORMAL. When prescribed, Vision Training is used to take the deficient and bring them to NORMAL, functional vision; the odds of achieving your fullest potential are just greater the younger we start the training. Once we reach normal, many Vision Training clients continue with in-office or remote Vision Training for Visual Performance.


Training the Eyes and Brain to function as intended takes time; we will provide all the tools and resources necessary to regain normal function through our Vision Training Program. Our team has developed a Vision Training Evaluation to determine the best course of action for each client. Each program is tailored to the client; so the program will emphasize the visual skills that have the greatest room for improvement. We tend to start with eye muscle movements both inside and outside the eyeball first, then progress to binocular eye teaming and coordination through online, home therapy techniques as well as in-office tools that improve visual function. Human ocular anatomy is the way it is because we weren’t made to be prey animals; we’re not fish, chicken, lizards, or livestock — all of which have their eyes positioned on the sides of the head, working independently of one another. We are meant to see the world with both eyes in true stereoscopic, three dimensional vision; to deprive us of that skill is to alter the great design that is the human experience.

​​​​​​​Vision Training breaks down the visual skills used in tasks like reading the same way running is broken down into muscle groups. Learning the eye movements used while reading actually more difficult than we remember often because we don’t remember the process of learning to read in as great detail as what we wrote our greatest essay on in school.

Can You Read This?

Reading passage

Take this exercise for a spin; unless you’ve developed the eye movement skills used in languages like Arabic, Hebrew, this passage is difficult to understand - imagine what children are going through as they learn to move their eyes to read:

visual learning
  • Deficient Saccadic Eye Movements
  • Accommodative insufficiency
  • Accommodative in facility
  • Convergence insufficiency
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